Archive for August, 2016

Linda Thompson says in 1974, one of Elvis’ doctors suggested marijuana to relieve Elvis’ eye pressure from secondary Glaucoma, which he’d been diagnosed with sometime before the couple met. 

Linda says there was no such thing as legal pot back then. She says that’s all Elvis had to hear was that a doctor recommended it and Elvis was all in!

Linda says it wasn’t the first time Elvis used pot, but this time he wanted to use it with her. He had his own sources for it.

She told Elvis, “yeah but it’s not legal, honey.”

Elvis said, “I know that, but if it keeps me from going blind”

She recalls one night in “OUR” bedroom at Graceland, Elvis tried to get her to take a hit.

She had no interest. She was straight.

Elvis was persuasive.

“It’s just relaxing. It will just relax you.” Elvis said.

Hurting from his cheating, after 45 minutes she caved in. The temptation wore her down.

She was hoping it would would soothe her and silence her inner worries.

Elvis instructed her on how to inhale and hold the smoke in her lungs.

Soon, they both were very silly and laughing.

Soon she started to panic, feeling crazy, out of control. Linda says her heart was racing.

All the blood seemed to rush to her head.  She opened a window at Elvis’ Graceland mansion, and proclaimed, ” God, I know you’re punishing me for smoking marijuana. And if you’ll just let my brain come back to me, I’ll never do that again, Do you hear me, God? Never Again!”

She went back to the bedroom and told Elvis. But the panic came back.

She was OK the next morning but it was later revealed to her the couple smoked Colombian Hashish which is stronger than pot.

Linda says to her knowledge, Elvis did this for 3 months!

Linda says even a year later she suffered panic attacks from this. She read up on Cannabis and learned some people especially those who don’t drink or do anything else, and are not used to being out of control suffer on going panic attacks.

Linda has NEVER smoked since that night promising God she wouldn’t.

In 1976, Linda Thompson recalls one night at Graceland, waking up and Elvis wasn’t in bed.

She says, “Knowing he was under the strong influence of his sleeping medication, I was immediately concerned, and so I went on a search and rescue mission. Finally, I peeked my head into Lisa’s room, she wasn’t staying with us at the time. But there he was lying on a daybed.

He was sprawled across the sofa, completely out of it, with his pajamas fly open while a Graceland temp kissed him.

I could see the back of his head moving but it looked like he was asleep, or barely clinging to the edge of consciousness.”

Linda cleared her throat and the girl jumped, falling to the floor. Linda says the girl said it wasn’t what it looked like.

While Elvis struggled to open his eyes enough to look up and focus on her.

She recalls Elvis said, “You should have knocked”. Linda said, “Should’ve knocked? I live here. I shouldn’t have to knock. Or walk in to find you kissing another girl.”

Elvis says, “I wasn’t kissing her. She was kissing me.”

In her new book, A Little Thing Called Life, Linda Thompson talks about Elvis’ legendary song, In The Ghetto. She says Elvis shared this deeply personal story about his beloved song.

Linda says, “As Elvis told me, when his good friend Sammy Davis Jr. was given that song by it’s writer, Mac Davis, Sammy turned it down,”

Linda says Elvis told her Sammy couldn’t do it because he never lived that lifestyle.

She says Sammy is to have said, “But I’ll tell you who did. Elvis Presley.”

So Mac Davis gave the song to Elvis. Sammy went on to cover it says Linda.

She says. “But the definitive version was recorded by Elvis who could sing it with such authority and feeling because he had lived in the ghetto.

He’d experienced first hand the desperation and injustice of that kind of life. Anyone who knows the song only has to think of the recurring line,”And his Mama cried,” to be reminded of the powerful love he had for his Mama.”

Linda Thompson reveals a PRESLEY family secret in her new book, A Little Thing Called life.

Linda says Elvis confided in her that his beloved Mama, Gladys Presley could not read or write.

Gladys was illiterate, according to Elvis’ one time girlfriend.

Linda says, “Elvis told me his mother could not read or write, and that when people asked her for her autograph after he became famous, she could have only signed with an X, but she didn’t want to do that.”

Linda said Gladys would just slip off in a back room to cover for herself. Once out of sight, she had someone write her name for her.



This is something I never heard before. And honestly, I’m not sure I needed to know this.

Look, EVERY family has secrets. And LOYAL families keep those secrets in the family.

Elvis loved his Mama more than himself. I seriously doubt he would want us to know this.

I think this would hurt him very much.

And honestly, this isn’t hers to tell. She is NOT a Presley.

Elvis told her this in confidence.

And knowing how much Elvis loved his Mama… way should this have been repeated.

For me personally, this was one of the worst things told in this book.

There are many delightful stories in this book.

A few things I don’t think needed to be said but it’s Linda’s story to tell.

In this case, it wasn’t her place. In my opinion, Elvis would be hurt by this.

Yes, it’s understandable especially the time Gladys came up in but still……if your family has secrets, you know!

And people today do not have the PRIDE of generations past. And that’s a sad thing.

None of Elvis’ FAMILY, guys or girlfriends who knew Gladys ever said a thing like this.

So while I am not saying Linda is fibbing, I am saying they knew it was not to be said as it would hurt Mrs. Presley and Elvis deeply.

Justin Bieber skipped the VMA’s yesterday to sing Karaoke in LA. Justin chose legendary Sun Records artist, Jerry Lee Lewis and his smash hit, Great Balls of Fire.

 Justin Bieber singing Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis at karaoke bar in LA – August 28, 2016

Great Balls of Fire was written by Otis Blackwell and Jack Hammer. The Jerry Lee Lewis 1957 recording was ranked as the 96th greatest song ever by Rolling Stone. The song sold one million copies in its first 10 days of release in the United States and sold over five million copies, making it both one of the best-selling singles in the United States, as well as one of the world’s best-selling singles of all time.

Jerry Lee Lewis’s original recording, which was recorded in the Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee on October 8, 1957, was producing by the GODFATHER of Rock n Roll Sam Phillips, using Roland Janes on guitar and JM Van Eaton on drums.

It’s nice to see Bieber appreciates good music!

And I’m sure he’s done Jerry Lee proud!

It would be great to see a duet between the two!   

In A Little Thing Called Love, Linda Thompson talks about the very first candle light vigil for Elvis.

Linda recalls, shortly after the news of Elvis’ death and as she began to pack, her power went off.

After hearing the news of Elvis’ death, her neighbor popped over to check on Linda.

Linda asked if the neighbors power was off and it wasn’t off.

Linda lit candles so she could see as she tried to pack for Elvis’ funeral.

Linda recalls a few friends coming by, including her work out buddy, Deborah.

“Oh how sweet, you’re lighting candles for Elvis.” Deborah said.

Linda said, “Well, not really. I have to see to get ready to fly out of here, and there’s no power in my apartment.”

Linda says it was down right eerie!

And as the night wore on, the power remained off without an explanation.

Linda says, “I began to consider all the candles for Elvis after all. It was THE first candle light vigil, a tradition his fans have carried out every anniversary of his passing since that day.”

In her new book, A Little Thing Called Life, Linda Thompson talks about the time they went to see Don Rickles in Vegas.

Linda says Elvis was under the influence of one of his substances that evening.

When Rickles introduced Elvis, he went on stage with Don. Linda recalls that Don was taken back but honored until Elvis began, as Linda remembers it, reading from the Bible.

She goes on to say Elvis droned on and on for minutes, reading from Corinthians 13 until finally everyone had enough.

“Elvis, are we going anywhere with this?” Don finally burst out.

“Or are we just jerking off up here?”

Needless to say, that comment broke the reverential tone, and cracked the audience up. Linda recalls.

“Naw, man I-I-I,” Elvis stuttered.

“I just wanted to share a little bible wisdom with you all.”

Elvis leaves the stage to thunderous applause.

Linda then recalls what happened when they returned to their seats to watch the rest of Don Rickles show.

Elvis leans over to Linda and says, “Honey, I’ve got to piss like a racehorse. I’m not sure what to do.

I sure as hell can’t hold it much longer, but I can’t get up to go to the men’s room because I’ve already

interrupted Don’s show and if I get up, you know every eye in here will follow me and take away

from Don. I can’t do that to Don.”

Elvis then comes up with a plan that would remind you of the Justin Bieber 2013 Restaurant urinating incident.

According to Linda, Elvis tells her ” Tell you what, just hand me that empty glass right there.”

Linda says she challenged him knowing what he was about to do.

But Elvis said, “Honey, hand me that damn glass, I tell you, before I piss my pants!”

Linda says she casually slid the glass to Elvis and he slipped it under the table.

She says he covered his lap with her napkin, unzipped his pants, and peed in the glass until it was full.

Linda says he waited awhile and set the glass back on the table.

Linda says she was impressed with how easily Elvis emptied his bladder with a showroom full of people.

BIM: I have a hard time with this story as I know Elvis grew up poor and he was so considerate of others. Would he leave a glass full of urine for a waiter to pick up and possibly spill on himself?
It gives a really bad, bad impression of Elvis Presley.

Now, according to Don Rickles, it happened a bit different. I love Don and this happened to be on my shelf.

In Don’s 2007 book, Rickles’ Book with David Ritz

Don recalls, “I’d only met the king in passing, but people kept saying he was a big fan of mine,
I was flattered but never really believed it. I didn’t see Elvis going for my humor.”

“Then one night, when I’m on stage at the Sahara, there he is and he’s headed for the stage. 

The audience goes nuts, and all I can say is, Elvis, it’s great to see you. 

Looks like you got enough gold around your neck to sink the titanic.” Don says.

Dons goes on to say Elvis laughs, “But then again he might laugh at anything. 

His eyes tell me he is feeling no pain.”

“Mr. Rickles, I came up here to help you.” Elvis says

“Thank you Elvis, I really appreciate it.” Don says.

Elvis goes on, “Mr. Rickles, I’m here to bless you. I have a poem I’d like to read in your honor.”

Don says, “Please do.”

Don recalls the poem is flowery and strange and no one knows what it’s about. 

When he is through, Don says, “Elvis, we love you! You are a genius and a gentleman for gracing my stage. Now do me a favor. Take your chain, your belt and your cape and go home.”

BIM: Personally, I like Don’s version better:)

Anyone who loves Don Rickles as much as I do, knows he ADORED his mother.

And he always respected Elvis’ love for Gladys. That is why he never targeted Elvis in his jokes.

David Ritz who co-wrote this book with Rickles also wrote Elvis by The Presleys, as well as a book with Willie Nelson and countless others.

It is also said, the book Elvis read from was The Voice of Silence by Helen Blavatsky.

Bremer Trust, which is administering Prince’s contested estate has entered into an agreement with a subsidiary of Graceland Holdings, LLC, for the “development, management, and oversight of all aspects of the museum at Paisley Park,” according to the proposal.

Graceland Holdings, which manages Elvis Presley’s home, Graceland, will also provide initial financing for the museum.


Although the plan to convert the estate into a museum has not been officially approved, tickets go on sale tomorrow, Friday, August 26th, at 3PM ET, through the Paisley Park website.

The proposal states regular tickets will be sold for $38.50, and VIP tickets for $100. (All the proposal says about the VIP experience is that tours will be in “smaller groups” than the 25 to 30 people planned for regular tours.)

Prince’s legendary home and recording studio complex in Chanhassen, Minnesota, will likely open to public tours beginning in October, according to a report from Minnesota TV station KARE 11.

“Opening Paisley Park is something that Prince always wanted to do and was actively working on,” Prince’s sister Tyka Nelson said.

Paisley Park, built in 1987 for $10 million, spans 65,000 square feet on nine acres of land, according to the Star Tribune

A proposal submitted to the city of Chanhassen states 70-minute tours will cover the “recording and mixing studios, video editing rooms, rehearsal rooms, Prince’s private NPG Music Club, and the soundstage and performance hall,” as well as displays of his belongings and memorabilia, including clothes, awards, artwork, his tour bus, and motorcycles. 

The museum also tentatively plans to offer vegetarian food, in honor of Prince’s strict vegetarian diet. 

The musician also had an apartment in the complex, but it is not clear if that space will be part of the tour. Paisley Park’s recording studios will continue to be used for special sessions, and concerts will likely be held as well.

Source – The Verge

Linda Thompson says in 1976, the painful realization that was growing in her for more than a year finally arrived. In her new book, A Little thing Called Love, she says her Fairy Tale was ending.

Linda encouraged Elvis Presley to perform and record The Pointer Sisters’ song, Fairy Tale in 1975 because as Linda puts it, “It perfectly captured my disillusionment.”


I’ll pack up all my things and walk away,
I don’t want to hear another word you have to say
I’ve been waiting for so long
I just found out there’s something wrong
And there’s nothing what get better if I stay

There’s no need to explain anymore
I tried my best to love you, now I’m walking out the door
You used me, you deceived me,
And you never seemed to need me
But I’ll bet you won’t forget me when I go

Seems I’ve been lost in a dream
Pretending that you care
But now I’ve opened up my eyes
And found it’s all been just a great big fairytale

I’ve been lovin’ you so long
Don’t think I’d even know how to forget you
But now the way that things have been
I think I’m better off alone
Than to be with you

There’s no need to explain anymore
I tried my best to love you, now I’m walking out the door
You used me, you deceived me,
And you never seemed to need me
But I’ll bet you won’t forget me when I go

Seems like I’ve been lost in a dream
Pretending you were mine
Someday you’ll open up your eyes
And realize that a good man’s hard to find

In March of 1975, Elvis begins a two week engagement in Las Vegas. Linda Thompson recalls Elvis was battling his weight. In her new book, A Little Thing Called Life, she recalls that one of Elvis’ Vegas doctors decided to try a radical diet plan.

Elvis and Linda left the suite on the Vegas strip to go stay at the doctor’s private home. Upon their arrival, Elvis put on his pajamas and jumped into bed.

Linda recalls, “Let’s just put you to sleep now. The Doctor said, giving Elvis a shot.”

Linda says she thought What? as she tried to fathom what was unfolding around her.

“Elvis had told me that his doctor was putting him on a special diet, but this was way beyond anything I’d expected. For the next two weeks, the doctor had Elvis under NEAR CONSTANT SEDATION.”

“During this time, Elvis was in bed sleeping except for a few brief periods each day when he woke up long enough to go to the bathroom and eat a small portion of food. Then he was sedated again and went back to sleep. Apparently THIS really WAS THE DIET his doctor had devised for him.”

Linda remembers how bizarre and unhealthy this was. But she knew better than to question Elvis.

Instead, she stayed by Elvis watching him sleep and checking his breathing. During the day, Elvis’ doctor left for his practice. Leaving Linda alone with Sleeping Beauty, Elvis Presley.

BIM: That doctor should have been brought up on charges for this. Elvis put all his trust into doctors. And some took advantage of him, all for $$$ and not the oath they swore to. SHAMEFUL!