Archive for August, 2019


Fans from across the world will gather at Graceland on Thursday, August 15, to pay tribute to Elvis Presley at the Candlelight Vigil. Watch it live beginning at 8:00pm CDT/ 9 PM EST on Thursday, August 15, 2019.

An article on Dlisted about Lisa Marie Presley‘s new book deal refers to Elvis fans as out of touch weirdos. Why pick on Elvis fans? You want to write an article about Lisa Marie, fine. But why attack us? Have you ever met an Elvis fan? You would be lucky to call an Elvis fan a friend. Elvis fans are good, charitable people. We are people of all walks of life. And we do not judge each other, instead we celebrate the legacy of Elvis Presley by welcoming everyone into our circle whether you are a die hard fan or a curious observer. Elvis fans do not care if you are rich or poor, young or old, average or glamorous,we see past all that. We are inclusive! People could learn a lot from Elvis fans.We share a bigger bond and that is our love for Elvis Presley. Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, you never walked in that man’s shoes. In this current culture, this would be considered bullying and prejudice. But Elvis and his loyal fans have always been the target of a joke by the American media. Today known as Fake News!

“She (Lisa Marie Presley) sure as hell isn’t about to blow up the tracks in front of the Elvis Estate gravy train, not with that movie coming out. But I do hold out hope for a few fun facts about her life as a proxy for her dad to a bunch of truly out of touch, Elvis obsessed weirdos.

To read the full article and leave your thoughts, click HERE

 A word of advice for the writer of this article…..listen to this and take notes!

Elvis Presley, Petula Clark, and Karen Carpenter.

Back in 2016, I wrote about Petula Clark talking about her encounter with Elvis Presley backstage with Karen Carpenter of The Carpenters. Clark alleges that she and Carpenter dodged a threesome with the king of rock n roll.

Date? I say The Twelfth of NEVER!

You can read that story by clicking HERE.

Anyway, today she’s gone a step further while speaking with The Guardian. Clark tells the story once again this time adding that Elvis himself spread a rumor that he did in fact engage in the encounter with the two women. We all know how Elvis felt about rumors. But if you need a quick reminder….

Clark then claims she didn’t find him attractive. Although she also says, it was at a time when Elvis was at his best. So let me get this right, Elvis…Elvis Presley at his best but nah, not for her?

So ladies, are we believing she didn’t find Elvis, Elvis Presley, THE King of Rock N Roll attractive? C’mon! Even the man-ly-est of Men find him attractive. This guy 👆  she didn’t find attractive? Even the reporter seems to not buy that story! Lady Doth protests too much, methinks!

From The Guardian: 

When Clark and Carpenter – then the two “top girls” of the world of pop – met Elvis Presley in his dressing room after a show, he angled for a threesome, she says. “He was raring to go. Karen was lovely, but she was kind of innocent. I felt sort of responsible for her, so I got her out of there. Then I looked round, and Elvis was at the door, and he looked at me, like: ‘I’m going to get you one day.’” But he never did, she tells my voice recorder directly. “Some people think he did. I think he put out the rumour that he did. But he didn’t.”
Any regrets? “I didn’t find him that attractive,” she says apparently offhandedly. But when I ask what period of Elvis it was, she jumps at the implication. “Oh, it was when he was at his best! But he was almost too much.”

BIM: Yes, Elvis was too much! Too much of everything good! And absolutely too much for Clark to handle! And above all, Elvis Presley was TOO MUCH of a GENTLEMAN to ever spread a rumor about women.