Archive for July, 2020

If you are an Elvis or Presley family fan, get ready!
We are about to go DEEP!
I told you about Leah Remini and Mike Render’s new podcast, Scientology:Fair Game.
A new episode just dropped and it is about the suicide of Lisa Marie’s son Ben Keough and the church of Scientology.
In addition to the death of Kelly Preston. But you’ll have to listen for yourself.
I’m just talking about the Presley family here.
This is honest and raw, not tabloid gossip.
It is from Leah’s and Mike’s personal dealings with Lisa Marie and her family and the church.
This will give you more understanding from a Scientologist member’s perspective.
It is an insight into the church and it’s methods dealing with children, celebrity, and addiction.
Alright here we go……Buckle Up!
Leah refers to Lisa Marie as Lisa Presley. Leah reached out to Lisa Marie when she heard the tragic news of Ben’s passing.
She has not heard back as of yet.
Leah wants everyone to know that their hearts go out to Lisa, Priscilla, Riley, and Danny who Leah says is getting lost in this like he is a non entity as Ben’s father and is also a Scientologist.
Leah says the hardest part about all of this is when you want to be there for your friend and you can not because of the church’s forced policy of disconnection with anyone who has left the church.
Leah left the church in 2013 after being a church member since childhood.
Leah says she was friends with Lisa Marie.
Behind the scenes, Lisa was a big part of pushing Leah leaving the church.
And then Lisa disappeared.
Leah talks about looking over old emails and came across one from Lisa in which Lisa says she tweeted out a Guns and Roses song.
Lisa tells her it was directed at Scientology and asks Leah to Retweet it.
Leah responds by saying, But we have to stand for something Lisa.
Leah says Lisa wanted to push everyone out into the front but she personally didn’t want to take any of the punishment that goes along with being public about leaving Scientology.
Scientologists believe that if they are consuming too much alcohol or drugs that they can do the church’s purification run down which gets rid of all the toxins in your body and basically resets the body to be completely clean. And then people start to drink or do drugs again believing they cleared their systems of anything they did prior.
Leah says she knows Lisa Marie believed in this program.
Not only did Lisa believe in it for herself but also for her children.
Leah had a conversation with Lisa Marie saying maybe you want to do something outside of Scientology, sending her links and information.
Telling Lisa to look at other books on depression and mental illness.
Lisa Marie rejected it all.
Leah says Lisa Marie believes wholeheartedly in certain aspects of Scientology.
Mike says, he could also give similar examples of what Leah is talking about which happened between him and Lisa Marie.
He mentions different examples of getting stories out about Scientology and Lisa prompting him to contact media outlets.
Mike says, well why don’t you do that. Why don’t you call them.
Lisa would say, No, I want you to call them.
And as for her wholehearted belief in the purification process, Mike says it’s not limited to Lisa, there are a lot of people who have bought into this.
They believe this is the ultimate solution to addiction.
They believe they can rid of that and then go on a binge and then go do the purif and it’s like the binge never happened, Mike explains.
Scientology and Children

Leah was raised in Scientology so she has first hand experience growing up in the church.
She talks about how church members do not raise their children.
She goes on to say her primary caretaker as a child was Scientology.
So if you have a child who is drinking or taking drugs, you would write a report on your child and send them to Scientology to be parented by them with Scientology technology.
Leah goes on to say, they come down pretty hard on the child, not taking into consideration adolescence, no knowledge of mental health. And that is how most Scientology children are raised. Scientology parents house and feed their children, they even take them places but they do not parent their children. 
Scientology children spend their days and nights at the church. 8 hours or more a day.
Scientology parents really have no hand in raising their children.
Leah explains, this is what happened with Lisa Marie when she was a young person where she was dropped off at celebrity center.
She says, listen Priscilla was a child herself when her parents dropped her off to Elvis. She wasn’t parented either. And therefore did not know how to parent Lisa.
Priscilla sent Lisa to be raised and fixed by Scientology.
And that is what you have to understand, there is no parenting going on.
Mike adds that children are considered adults according to the church. They are adults with little bodies.
Children are not considered different. L. Ron Hubbard did not consider things such as adolescence.
Children are punished as adults, talked to as adults, there is no difference. Leah points out.
Mike says, Scientologist are taught, you KNOW everything. If you read something L. Ron Hubbard says, you’re an expert on the subject.
Read what L. Ron had to say about something and it gives you certainty, complete knowledge and you do not have to know anything else.
That is how children are raised in Scientology, Mike says.
Depression and the church of Scientology

Scientology does not believe in depression. They do not even use the word, depression. Leah explains that if you were to say you were depressed as a Scientologist, you would be thoroughly punished immediately. You would be pulled off your spiritual path and dealt with. It is not a condition that the church acknowledges. And they want you to stop using that word.
You will be shamed for saying it and for feeling it. How incredibly tragic is that?
So children in the church learn early on to shove down and lie about their condition and feelings because you will be punished for this.
Mike says depression is said to be a psychiatric trick. One in which psychiatrists label them in order to sell drugs for big pharma.
He continues, it is not viewed as a validate condition. It is viewed as “fake news” and just a way for psychiatrists to control them and ultimately destroy them.
Scientology is not FAITH BASED

Scientology is not faith based. It is laid out exactly how you are supposed to read certain things, listen to tapes and you must prepay. It is a business Leah reminds us.
It is nothing like any other religion ever.
And Leah says, there is no other religion that has a department dedicated to destroying people when they speak out against it
She also says something beyond scary. She says mostly everything you read or listen to, most of the teachings tell you that the psychiatrists are to blame for the Holocaust, for a crime, for wars and all of man’s ills.
Leah asks Mike why this is.
And here is why we love Mike, he also has the exact answer with all the facts.
Mike says because in 1950, when L. Ron Hubbard wrote Dianetics, he sought the approval of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association.
Leah jumps in to add, that in Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard claims he can cure Cancer, blindness, deafness, anything.Dianetics says you can solve anything.
Mike continues and says neither association would back him. And for that, they became the enemy of L. Ron and Scientology. Every cult needs an enemy.
Children are learning this. They have to read Dianetics and they learn to believe Depression doesn’t exist, I won’t get Cancer, etc. Many won’t seek Medical attention.
Children learn to hide what they are really feeling and dealing with. Sometimes pretty serious situations in their lives.
The Scientology thoughts on Autism is truly disgusting. Listen for yourself.
Mike and Leah say their hearts go out to Lisa and her family. They want the public to know this is not just a topic in the media for them. They knew this family and their hearts break for them. These were friends, people who they knew well.
I suggest listening to the full podcast yourself wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
I may come back and add more after my next listen.
To go even deeper into this subject, check out Mike Render’s blog – Scientology Deaths and Suicides

I love a good podcast for long days in the sun. And this came at just the right time. I have read 5 books in the last two weeks. My eyes need a rest!
While searching for a good podcast, I stumbled upon this. I am very picky about my podcasts. I like True Crime and I like it sounding professional, very well researched and quality guests.
This podcast checked all the boxes.
In fact, I listened to the first episode TWICE so far.
If you watched Leah Remini and Mike Render’s show on A & E, Scientology and the aftermath, you are ahead of the game.
If you haven’t seen it, it is a MUST as I have said in the past.
Listening to the podcast alone is not enough. So if you have not seen the show or you’re diving deep here like myself, the show is streaming on Hulu. This Podcast digs a bit deeper. It’s like the companion book. You need both!
What is Fair Game?
A term used to describe the taking care of “Threats and enemies” of Scientology.
Mike Render explains, what it really is, is a series of writings/directives of L. Ron Hubbard on how you go about destroying someone who is an enemy of Scientology. The enemy would be anyone who speaks out about Scientology in a way which is not authorized or seeks to expose the organization.
Leah asks Mike if family members who do a welfare check on their loved ones in the church are “Fair Game”.
Mike’s answer, Absolutely!
Mike Render was the head of the department which implemented these activities so he shares his knowledge from his own experience as a former church member.
Leah goes on to talk about how Scientology claims that the practice of Fair Game has been cancelled. She says they have even given the media a copy of that. Mike says the cancellation is a statement made by L. Ron Hubbard that says, “We are no longer going to use the term Fair Game because it creates bad public relations. However, we do not change how we deal with the enemies of Scientology.”
Leah points out the media never understood or cared to elaborate on the full statement which says they just aren’t going to use that term but they will continue to practice it. Typical of the media!
Leah says L. Ron Hubbard felt anyone who spoke out against Scientology was evil and trying to destroy mankind. And anyone who goes against the church is a criminal.
She explains that when L. Ron writes something, it has to be understood exactly how it was written.
A lot of what Mike Render talks about is only known by sea org members not all church members.
All church members are expected to know all the policies and writings of L. Ron Hubbard and his church. So as Scientologists they have to make that TRUE. Meaning that anyone who speaks out against the church, Scientologists must make them an enemy of the church. And that’s ALL Scientologists even the celebrity Scientologists.
Leah and Mike are doing this podcast to give a voice to those who didn’t have one. And before their weekly show on A & E and now podcast, we really only heard whispers or rumors about alleged abuse by the church. No one had the B@lls Leah has to stand up against the church because of the practices of Fair Game. People were scared and intimidated and just so happy to be free, they lived in silence.
Mike also makes it very clear that this could happen to anyone. It did not just happen to weirdos. And watching the show, you see these victims are average people. Nice, decent, SANE, hard working Americans.
Leah brings up the subject of their show on A & E (Not my favorite network after cancelling LIVE PD) and how Scientology claims to have had the show cancelled.
She challenges the church by saying, if they are admitting to their Fair Game tactic, keep it coming because if you are claiming responsibility, the law suits will be huge for claiming responsibility for getting Mike and I fired.
Leah and Mike are constantly working to help victims. They meet with the FBI, local police, and families.
They are educating law enforcement on how the church will try to evade criminal charges.
Their dedication is limitless. Despite the fact that they are victims of the Fair Game practices along with any victims who have spoken out.
Leah and Mike will also discuss the 3 counts of rape charges against actor and church member Danny Masterson in upcoming podcasts. Leah says they had already done interviews with the alleged victims four years ago. They did a finale with a victim who was not a Scientologist.
With the case coming up in LA court in September, Mike says the person who did the interviews on Masterson and some of the victims will be shipped off to another country, “reassigned” to jurisdictions outside of the LA district attorney’s office.
Some may even already be on the Free winds ship in the middle of the ocean to avoid speaking with law enforcement and will be on that ship for at least the next 5 years. Now all witnesses can’t disappear and the church is too smart for this. So now anyone else who may be a witness will be drilled with an attorney to say positive things. You really have to hear Mike explain this and you have to hear it in detail. It’s really manipulative.
 “The Folders”
Mike explains when something like the above allegation comes up, everyone who knows anything is gathered together and everyone else is told to shut up.
The church is then able to control the information from getting out to law enforcement or even media.
The victims are then interrogated. He explains the concept of Scientology is whatever happens to you is a result of your own misdeeds.
Leah goes on to give examples of how that interrogation would go down. It’s shameful. And how it would be turned around that it was the victim’s fault for something that went on in this lifetime or another lifetime.
So in other words, you were raped and it is your own fault.
WOW! And this is a “church”.
With the #metoo movement all a rage in Hollyweirdland, this is acceptable.
Mike explains that the victim is the first to be “dealt with” and once you get the victim to understand that they are responsible, they caused this to happen, they will not go running to law enforcement.
Typical abusive behavior!
The victim is now contained. We learn there is a current civil suit against Scientologist about “fair Gaming” victims.
Lisa McPherson
Leah asks Mike to talk about Lisa McPherson who was a young Scientologist in Clearwater, Fl who died in 1995.
The people who knew what happened and how she died were rounded up and evidence destroyed. L. Ron’s policy was everything had to be in written.
So there was a folder on Lisa which was shredded.
The witnesses in contact with Lisa were maids at the hotel of Scientology in Florida.
They were not nurses or even trained as maids.
They were from third world countries brought over to clean rooms and ended up with the job of watching over this dying young woman.
Once Lisa died, these women were gathering up and sent home to avoid them testifying on what happened.
Church of Scientology’s THREE PPP Loans

As if you are not already outraged, we learn that the church has taken out THREE PPP loans during the pandemic. Mike says whenever anyone tries to make the church take responsibility for their employees, the church says they are volunteers not employees. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.
Leah is totally outraged by this. She says while small businesses are going out of business and people can’t eat, the church a 3 billion dollar for profit cult had the balls to take out THREE PPP loans during a pandemic.
Mike says the church told the IRS the church is not a business. These loans come from the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION to assist SMALL businesses.
Mike isn’t surprised, he says it’s just Scientology up to it’s old tricks.
Leah says this church doesn’t help the needy, feed the homeless yet they don’t pay taxes.
They claim they don’t have employees. Things that make you go, hmmm….
Upcoming on The Podcast
This podcast will allow Leah and Mike to talk in depth about things they weren’t able to talk about on The Aftermath.
FBI raid in 1977
IRs vs. Scientology
Rape Charges against Danny Masterson
Kristy Alley
Aftermath guests with NEW stuff!
Benjamin Keough’s suicide
You have to listen for yourself. I have only given you a few bites. The podcast itself is much more detailed. So Subscribe today wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
Priscilla Presley took to Facebook yesterday to address the death of her only grandson, Ben Keough.
Priscilla has once again proven herself to be a true Matriarch of the Presley family.
Lisa Marie Presley’s mother expressed her sorrow, worry and hurt for her children and grandchildren.
“I think of my daughter and the pain she is going through as she was a doting mother. Ben’s father, Danny, who is completely lost, as Ben was his only son. Riley, so loving and so close to him; Harper and Finley, who absolutely adored Ben. Navarone, who struggles deeply with loss and death. Rest In Peace Ben, you were loved.”

Never once mentioning herself. That’s the mother and grandmother in her! Selfless and strong!
A True Matriarch of the Presley Family!
Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers!

Lisa Marie Presley and Diana Pinto, Wednesday, June 15, 2020

Page Six reports that just three days after her son, Benjamin Keough, died by suicide, Lisa Marie Presley was seen leaving a Beverly Hills hotel with Keough’s girlfriend, Diana Pinto.

Both women are wearing face masks and sweatshirts while holding hands on Wednesday. revealed Monday that neighbors heard a woman screaming ‘don’t do it’ at around 3.30am Sunday. It’s believed that scream came from Diana.

Neighbors said people were partying at the home at 1am and heard screams around 3.30am. They noted police showed up to the home hours later around 6am.

Diana was interviewed by police, with a neighbor explaining: ‘She was pretty hysterical saying ”I can’t believe it.” She just kept swearing and saying, ”I can’t believe it… I can’t believe he would do that to himself.”

‘She said, ”the family’s going to hate me” and ”they’re going to blame me.” I think she was feeling guilty for it happening.’

Danny Keough, Ben’s father
Benjamin had been dating Diana Pinto for at least a year.
No funeral arrangements have been announced as of yet.

Priscilla Presley’s son and Lisa Marie Presley‘s half brother Navarone Garibaldi spoke to US on the death of his nephew.

“On behalf of everyone Ben touched: We are all shocked and heartbroken to have lost such a caring, compassionate soul,” the California native, 33, said in an exclusive statement to Us Weekly on Tuesday, July 14. “It’s absolutely devastating. We appreciate everyone’s support and understanding at this time. He will always be a part of us.”

 Alexa Rohde, who previously dated Lisa Marie Presley‘s son Ben Keough, shared a touching tribute honoring the 27-year-old on Monday according to People.

Ben, Corey Feldman, Brandon Howard and friends

Musician Brandon Howard spoke to People Magazine about his friend Benjamin Keough’s tragic death.

“Sometimes he struggled with depression, which is a serious thing with [the coronavirus pandemic] and everything happening right now and everybody being locked in the house,” Howard tells PEOPLE.

“It takes a lot. I wish I could have been there.”
Howard says the pressure to live up to the Presley family name “absolutely” contributed to Keough’s struggles.

“That kind of pressure is definitely a part of what happened,” he says. “It’s a tough thing when you have a lot of pressure with your family and living up to a name and an image. It’s a lot of pressure. It’s almost like you’re pressured into having to be a musician, having to be an actor. It was good for him to go around the world and discover himself and have his own friends. You never know what triggers it.

You never know … It’s so random.”
Keough was always the first one there when his friends needed help, Howard says.

“He has always been there for everybody,” he says. “In any kind of situation, he would be the one who would come crash with you on the couch for weeks until you’re actually feeling better.”

Howard first met Benjamin after Lisa Marie, 52, married Michael Jackson in 1994. In the ’80s, Jackson’s father Joe managed Howard’s mother, “Until You Come Back To Me” singer Miki Howard.

Lisa Marie and Jackson divorced in 1996, but Keough and Howard remained close in the years since. They even dubbed their friend group with Corey Feldman “the lost boys.”

“As adults, we had a brotherhood and a kind of respect,” Howard says. “We always felt we are who we are and we just got to be the best we can for different people around us.”

“He would be the one I talked to when a lot of stuff was going around about me and questions about who I am and where I come from,” he continues. “He was like, ‘Who does that serve? Does that serve you or does that serve everyone else’s purpose? You are who you are, I am who I am. So it’s up to us. We don’t have anything to prove. We just live our lives. Those who know it, they know.'”
Keough was “an excellent chef” and all around “wonderful” human, Howard says.

He was super inspiring,” he says. “He was cool and very intelligent, intelligent beyond his years. He was multi-faceted. He could be anywhere from serious, giving advice, to like super crazy and wild and dancing and partying. He was a very loving person as a brother.”

As to what he’ll miss most about Keough, Howard says it’s his “laugh and his eyes.

He had the craziest laugh,” he says. “I want people to know about his humility. He wasn’t a spoiled kid. He was very humble, very giving, very loving, especially to his friends. It’s just wild. There’s nothing like this.”

Lisa Marie is in disbelief,” a source close to the family tells PEOPLE. “She doesn’t want to believe that [Benjamin] is gone. She is heartbroken and won’t stop crying.”

Many are wondering if Ben was an active member of the church of Scientology as well as the entire family. Lisa Marie was introduced to Scientology in the 70’s by her mother Priscilla.
Lisa soon met her future husband, Danny Keough who is still a Scientologist today. According to an October 1988 People cover story, Keough and Presley wed at the Celebrity Center International of the Church of Scientology in West Hollywood. Only nine people attended the event, including her mother, Priscilla Presley, who released this official statement following the wedding:
“Lisa, 20, married musician Daniel Keough, 23, her boyfriend for the past three years. I am thrilled for Lisa Marie. Danny is a great guy, and I couldn’t be happier for the two of them. The couple will be honeymooning for the next three months at an undisclosed location.”

Danny’s brother was married to a Scientology teacher and Danny’s mother Janet started a private Scientology academy with second husband Alan Hollander according to the 1988 People magazine.

It was called the Delphian School, and Danny graduated from that private school, as did his brother.
In 1992, when Lisa was 24 and Danny was 27, Lisa gave birth to Benjamin at Humana Women’s Hospital in Tampa, FL. Her second child weighed in at 7 pounds, 8 ounces, according to the Assoicated Press.
A spokesperson for Lisa Marie said, ″The baby was delivered naturally and in complete silence in a calm and supportive environment″ under guidelines set out by the Church of Scientology’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard, in his book ″Dianetics.″

Benjamin Keough was a young man who grew up in Scientology with both his parents and sister as well as his grandmother as active members of the church. Tony Ortega, of the Underground Bunker confirms that Ben completed the “Purification Rundown” at the end of 2013. A report from a close family friend who tells The Underground Bunker that just two months ago they heard Benjamin complaining about how much kids who grew up in Scientology were “f#$ked up” by it.
Another source who was close to the family especially Ben, told the underground bunker that he was definitely out of Scientology and badmouthed it to his friends. Just this past May, they told underground bunker that Ben struggled with alcohol and drugs, and had recently been in rehab (a non-Scientology program), battling his own addictions. NON Scientology – Key word! Ben was definitely out of Scientology.
“The important thing is that the entire family was shaped by Scientology, and it’s paying the price because of it.” A source told underground bunker that Scientology’s involvement in their lives had meant what it does for so many other families: a destabilizing force between parents and children, and of course no chance of proper mental health care.

Lisa Marie is said to have brought her entire family out of Scientology in 2014. Priscilla has stated that she never left the church. But Tony’s source insists Lisa pulled her mother out with the rest of the family in 2014. To read details of Lisa Marie’s break from the church and her showdown with David Miscavige, click here.
But Lisa’s very successful actress daughter Riley Keough is said to be back in the church. In fact, she has been photograghed with fellow Scientologists. And you know if you’re out of the church, Scientologists are not hanging out by the pool with you!
In 2014, Lisa Marie told People Magazine, “We all stay together. We are all very close. Wherever I am, they have their rooms and live with me,” she said at the time. “We all try to stay close as much as possible. Like, in the same room, preferably for me. I don’t like it when they are far away in any way.”

“I am very protective,” she continued. “I just smother them in love and I am also ferociously protective. They are my priority. That’s what I do. That’s what I care most about. I keep them close to me and make sure they are happy and healthy.”

Presley explained that even when her kids reach adulthood, caring for and doting on them never ends.

“When they get older sometimes I don’t think it ever ends. When they get past 18 I think their problems just get bigger to be honest; that’s always a struggle,” she said. “… We all kind of hold each other up; we are all each other’s best friends. I’m theirs but I am also their mother.”

The mother emphasized her tight-knit bond with her children, adding that “none of us are happy if we haven’t seen each other past a week or two.”

“Ben was her baby. More than Riley. More than the twins. This will be beyond inconceivable for her. I really worry that it might be too much for her,” underground bunker’s source says.

Elvis himself wanted nothing to do with Scientology.
According to the book “Elvis Aaron Presley: Revelations From the Memphis Mafia,” co-written by Elvis’ friend Marty Lacker, after a visit to the Scientology center in Los Angeles,
Elvis said, “F - - k those people! There’s no way I’ll ever get involved with that son-of-a-bitchin’ group. All they want is my money.”

But to be honest, right now whatever gets Lisa Marie and this family through this tragedy, so be it.
Our only concern is that they get through this tragic heartbreak.
No parent should bury their child. And we all have lost loved ones and we know the gut renching pain that goes along with death. It’s unbearable.
Lisa Marie has been through so much during her entire life. From losing her father who was larger than life yet simply Dad to her. The death of Michael Jackson, another force larger than life and her former husband. And most recently, her bitter divorce from that pansy and her addiction issues.
Lisa Marie is a very strong woman. But she’s been through enough. And losing her beloved son, it just doesn’t seem fair. How much can one person take? So much loss. My heart goes out to her.
I remember when my cousin Doug was killed at the age of 19. We were staying over to go to a Randy Travis concert the next day. I remember the pain when the police came into the house and told us he was gone.We all just had dinner together laughing with my nan. It just came and hit us like a train.
I remember the pain on my Aunt’s face, I remember the sounds that came out of her.
I remember the darkness our family felt for a very, very long time. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
So please keep Lisa and the family in your prayers. They need our support and God’s love now more than ever. We are Elvis fans, loyal and strong. We call ourselves an Elvis family so let’s shower this family with love, support and prayers!
Peace and Love!