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This past Elvis Week 2022 during the big concert, Priscilla Presley came on stage with Andy Childs and his band. Priscilla (referring to Elvis’ original TCB Band) turns around and says,” I just want to say hello to Ronnie….wow, they’re not out here yet. Are they? No! Glen D Hardin is here? And Jerry Scheff is here?” While Andy is shaking his head to confirm.

@fangirlgianna #priscillapresley #elvispresley #elvispresleyfans #elvis #graceland #gracelandsoundstage #fyp #45thanniversaryelvis #elvismovie ♬ original sound – G

Apparently, Priscilla forgot that Ronnie Tutt passed away. In October of 2021, Priscilla had posted a photo of herself and Ronnie Tutt and expressed condolences to his family on Instagram. This was the second time Priscilla showed signs of fatigue or possibly memory issues during Elvis Week. Many of us have been to a big anniversary year for Elvis Week. All the running around from event to event, lack of sleep, no time to eat, it can make anyone a little out of it.

On the evening of August 15th, Priscilla Presley stood on stage outside of Elvis Presley’s Graceland mansion to speak to fans for the opening ceremony of the annual candlelight vigil service. Priscilla referred to it as Elvis’ birthday. She said it was Elvis’ 45th birthday and even asked the fans to say Happy Birthday Elvis! Some did while others stood stunned at her behavior. She told a story about how Elvis did not like to celebrate his birthday but did celebrate others birthdays. She referred to this death anniversary as his birthday many times (6 to 7 times) to the point, I thought she was going to have the crowd sing Happy Birthday.

@backinmemphis #PriscillaPresley wishes #Elvis a Happy 45th Birthday on the anniversary of his death during annual candlelight vigil during #ElvisWeek at #Graceland ♬ original sound – BackinMemphis

We have to acknowledge, Priscilla is 77 years old. Memory issues are common at that age. It will happen to us all. And these past few years, she has endured so many family issues. It started in 2016 with Lisa Marie’s issues then her brutal divorce. Priscilla stepped up and helped take care of Lisa’s twins while Lisa went to deal with her issues. In 2018, Priscilla lost her (step) father, Paul Beaulieu. In 2020, Priscilla’s grandson and Lisa Marie’s only son committed suicide. Priscilla not only had to deal with that trauma but as a mother, she must have worried terribly how her only daughter would handle the loss of her only son with whom Lisa had an intensely strong bond. Priscilla also travels the world hosting different Elvis related concerts and events which can take it’s toll. Priscilla had been caring for her 95 year old mother Ann. On August 3rd, 2021, Priscilla was heart broken when she lost her beloved mother. These traumatic events have certainly taken their toll on Priscilla and rightfully so.

Priscilla has been a wonderful ambassador to Graceland and always so gracious to the Elvis Presley fans. We hope this is simply fatigue from a hectic Elvis Week and wish her the very best.

During last night’s candlelight vigil, Priscilla Presley wished Elvis a Happy Birthday. She actually mentioned his birthday 6 times while speaking on the 45th anniversary of his death.

If this was a one off, I’d get it. We all misspeak. It’s Elvis Week, you’re tired. But 6 times? It almost got to the point where she had the crowd singing. Priscilla did ask the crowd to wish him a Happy Birthday and in this short clip, you can hear a handful do so. Very bizarre!

I have seen some people blame Scientology. This just is not true. In fact, Scientologists celebrate the birthday, and I mean actual birthday of their leader, L.Ron Hubbard. Not his death date, his actual birthday. Scientologists also in fact have funerals and memorial services for their deceased. It is in no way referred to as a birthday. That’s an entirely different religion. 

 Lastly, Priscilla has never done this in the past.I think she was tired and got confused. We all have been there during a big anniversary like this, so many events, lack of sleep. It was just bizarre!

I waited to write this until most of my friends had actually gone to the theater to watch the movie themselves. Before the movie was released, I watched and read little press on this film. I wanted to see it blindly without any sway either way.

June 21st, I went to see the film for the first time. It was a small audience for the advanced screening. A quiet and respectful crowd.

The minute Austin hit the screen, I had goose bumps from start to finish. Not just because of his uncanny resemblance but his presence, his energy, you could just feel it. This young actor put his heart and soul into learning Elvis in every way. Especially in the way, a truly gifted actor much like a Daniel Day Lewis who becomes his study. Austin isn’t creepy or cheap like most ETAs are thought of. And no disrespect to ETA’s because many are not that. They actually are amazing Elvis fans. But I say this because I see a lot of comments about ETAs and Austin. Please don’t compare these men. Austin is an incredibly talented actor who will go on to many more great roles. And I guarantee Elvis will always be a part of his life. He will have the acting career Elvis always wanted. Like Lisa Marie Presley herself said, I truly believe Austin channeled Elvis.

Elvis Presley is in his heart and soul. You know what I picked up on? Austin played Elvis and he came off shy at times, confident at times but always humble and never cocky. Most actors who have played Elvis came off cocky. And that’s one thing Elvis never was. I loved Austin as young Elvis the best. Not because of anything he did or didn’t do. But his look was impeccable and the story and the details were just undeniable. Hands down, the role of Elvis Presley is taken! Done! Retired by Austin Butler. No one ever needs to play Elvis again. Done! Austin hit it out of the park as Elvis. Grand Slam!

The scene when Austin is playing Elvis crying in his mama’s closet just brought me to tears. It was so heartbreaking. It was not until days after seeing the movie for the second time, did I learn that Austin had an incredible connection to Elvis in that regard. Austin and Elvis both lost their mothers at the age of 23. What a tender age to lose your mama. Austin channeled that hurt for the scene. And that emotion just jumps off the screen into your heart. This movie is emotional!

I was born loving Elvis. Neither of my parents were Elvis fans. I got my first Elvis album in 1976, I was 3. So I never experienced seeing Elvis live. Growing up, I heard stories from my family. My mom was in catholic grammar school when Elvis first came out. The nuns at school made her sign a letter promising to never watch Elvis on tv. Now my Aunt Madeline loved Elvis, she didn’t go to Catholic school. She would watch Elvis on TV and scream and cry with her girlfriends. I watched clips of Elvis on tv wiggling his leg, swinging his hips and I didn’t get the big deal. I just knew at that time, it was unheard of to do on tv. So now sitting in the theater watching Austin take the stage as young Elvis working those girls into a frenzy. You feel the excitement. We all have seen the footage but we didn’t FEEL it. Austin brings you back in time, into THAT very audience and you feel that frenzy build and Build and BUILD! And then watch the audience explode! WOW! Thank You Austin for giving us that emotional performance. It sent my phi beta kappa a jaggling! The Colonel is watching the young girl’s reactions, and these extras really capture that historic moment. Colonel says, “She isn’t sure she should be having those feelings”. Absolutely captures the essence of Elvis. It is my favorite part of the movie and if it’s all you see, it’s all you need to see. Hands down! Austin deserves an Oscar for his portrayal of Elvis.

The Presley family has said they loved this movie. They felt that it was finally done right. I agree, the portrayal of Elvis was finally captured perfectly. This is no propaganda. It is FACT!

At this time in life, I think this film was God sent for the entire family. Just what this family needed. The Presley family has been through a lot in these last few years. I hope it brought some closure and mostly, some peace to their souls. Watching Lisa Marie with Austin in the Jungle Room on the 20/20 special, you could just see a softness, a guard, a wall let down with Lisa and Austin. I don’t think many people pass that barrier (and with good reasons) with Lisa Marie. I loved how she said if anyone has a problem with Austin, Come see me! That’s exactly what I would say if anyone had a problem with my two nephews. She’s a loyal mama bear. A loyalty like that is one in a million. Watching Austin, you could see how much that truly meant to him and yet a bit of shock. He’s so humble much like our Elvis himself.

Today, I read an article in which Tom Hanks is just discovering new Elvis songs. And he can’t believe he never heard, I’m coming home. Remember those exciting times when we all were just discovering new Elvis songs? The impact each one had on us? It’s really nice to know that passion is there. This movie made an impact on the cast. It made an impact on the family. It made an impact on us, the loyal fans. And most importantly, it made a Yuge impact on America. Elvis is number 1 at the box office.

I hope this film brings a new generation of fans and they study Elvis, his legacy, and learn from us long time fans and continue that legacy. I hope America will be kinder when talking about Elvis after seeing this film. My second time seeing the film, a loud mouthed, I guess I’ll be polite and call her a lady, kept stuffing her face with popcorn and saying, I wonder if we will see fat Elvis. When is Fat Elvis coming? And laughing as the popcorn flew out of her mouth. I wanted to turn to her and say, “Honey, you’re not exactly thin yourself. And your face doesn’t even make up for it.” Trust me, it took everything not to. But I did not want to ruin the film for the rest of the audience who applauded wildly at the end of the film.

When people talk about Elvis’ death, they make jokes about his death. And why is that? People are generally kind when they talk about Prince’s death or Amy Winehouse and several others. The manner in which Elvis died is fairly common. 40,000 Americans a year die that way. There has never been any compassion towards Elvis and his death. Maybe now people will have some compassion and understand the stress he was under as well as the addiction issues. It is nothing to be ashamed of. So many Americans today are struggling with opioid addiction. Great people, amazing family members and friends. So let’s be kind when it comes to Elvis. He also had some health aliments which were very painful. Yet he got up on that stage and gave his fans the best he could. And no one will argue with me when I say, a sick Elvis was still the most beautiful man Ever!

The movie itself is beautifully artistic. It is a fictional take on the relationship between Elvis and The Colonel. Baz has done a lot of research and there is so much attention to detail in the film. I loved the inclusion of actual Elvis footage in the film. Seeing Al Dvorin on screen saying, Elvis has left the building. Love, Love love! The little gestures, the little nods like Billy Smith riding the go-cart down the driveway. The funky angels in the Vegas showroom. Yeah, did you notice that detail? Amazing! The average film maker would not go that far into personal, special detail. Love and passion in this film! It’s Willy Wonka for Elvis fans!

No expense was spared, 85 million dollars to make this film which included amazing CGI mixing actual footage and recreations which brought us all back to the every important moment of the King’s life from Tupelo to Graceland before it was GRACELAND and so much more. Elvis isn’t the cartoon or the joke. He’s taken serious as he always wished for. And I thank Baz from the bottom of my heart for doing that for Elvis.

You all know, I tell it as I see it, no ass kissing to EPE, no propaganda, just exactly how I feel. And if I feel Elvis has been done wrong or made to be a fool, I go hard. I’m loyal to a fault. So when I tell you, this film is incredible, believe me. Elvis is in heaven looking down and he finally knows that the world will take him seriously. Flash in the pan, Elvis The Pelvis no more!

Thank You Baz! TCB with TLC!

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you the little things I didn’t like or would like to have seen differently.

RIP Bob, November 30, 1932 – September 22, 2021

Thoughts and Prayers go out to Bob’s family.


If you are an Elvis or Presley family fan, get ready!
We are about to go DEEP!
I told you about Leah Remini and Mike Render’s new podcast, Scientology:Fair Game.
A new episode just dropped and it is about the suicide of Lisa Marie’s son Ben Keough and the church of Scientology.
In addition to the death of Kelly Preston. But you’ll have to listen for yourself.
I’m just talking about the Presley family here.
This is honest and raw, not tabloid gossip.
It is from Leah’s and Mike’s personal dealings with Lisa Marie and her family and the church.
This will give you more understanding from a Scientologist member’s perspective.
It is an insight into the church and it’s methods dealing with children, celebrity, and addiction.
Alright here we go……Buckle Up!
Leah refers to Lisa Marie as Lisa Presley. Leah reached out to Lisa Marie when she heard the tragic news of Ben’s passing.
She has not heard back as of yet.
Leah wants everyone to know that their hearts go out to Lisa, Priscilla, Riley, and Danny who Leah says is getting lost in this like he is a non entity as Ben’s father and is also a Scientologist.
Leah says the hardest part about all of this is when you want to be there for your friend and you can not because of the church’s forced policy of disconnection with anyone who has left the church.
Leah left the church in 2013 after being a church member since childhood.
Leah says she was friends with Lisa Marie.
Behind the scenes, Lisa was a big part of pushing Leah leaving the church.
And then Lisa disappeared.
Leah talks about looking over old emails and came across one from Lisa in which Lisa says she tweeted out a Guns and Roses song.
Lisa tells her it was directed at Scientology and asks Leah to Retweet it.
Leah responds by saying, But we have to stand for something Lisa.
Leah says Lisa wanted to push everyone out into the front but she personally didn’t want to take any of the punishment that goes along with being public about leaving Scientology.
Scientologists believe that if they are consuming too much alcohol or drugs that they can do the church’s purification run down which gets rid of all the toxins in your body and basically resets the body to be completely clean. And then people start to drink or do drugs again believing they cleared their systems of anything they did prior.
Leah says she knows Lisa Marie believed in this program.
Not only did Lisa believe in it for herself but also for her children.
Leah had a conversation with Lisa Marie saying maybe you want to do something outside of Scientology, sending her links and information.
Telling Lisa to look at other books on depression and mental illness.
Lisa Marie rejected it all.
Leah says Lisa Marie believes wholeheartedly in certain aspects of Scientology.
Mike says, he could also give similar examples of what Leah is talking about which happened between him and Lisa Marie.
He mentions different examples of getting stories out about Scientology and Lisa prompting him to contact media outlets.
Mike says, well why don’t you do that. Why don’t you call them.
Lisa would say, No, I want you to call them.
And as for her wholehearted belief in the purification process, Mike says it’s not limited to Lisa, there are a lot of people who have bought into this.
They believe this is the ultimate solution to addiction.
They believe they can rid of that and then go on a binge and then go do the purif and it’s like the binge never happened, Mike explains.
Scientology and Children

Leah was raised in Scientology so she has first hand experience growing up in the church.
She talks about how church members do not raise their children.
She goes on to say her primary caretaker as a child was Scientology.
So if you have a child who is drinking or taking drugs, you would write a report on your child and send them to Scientology to be parented by them with Scientology technology.
Leah goes on to say, they come down pretty hard on the child, not taking into consideration adolescence, no knowledge of mental health. And that is how most Scientology children are raised. Scientology parents house and feed their children, they even take them places but they do not parent their children. 
Scientology children spend their days and nights at the church. 8 hours or more a day.
Scientology parents really have no hand in raising their children.
Leah explains, this is what happened with Lisa Marie when she was a young person where she was dropped off at celebrity center.
She says, listen Priscilla was a child herself when her parents dropped her off to Elvis. She wasn’t parented either. And therefore did not know how to parent Lisa.
Priscilla sent Lisa to be raised and fixed by Scientology.
And that is what you have to understand, there is no parenting going on.
Mike adds that children are considered adults according to the church. They are adults with little bodies.
Children are not considered different. L. Ron Hubbard did not consider things such as adolescence.
Children are punished as adults, talked to as adults, there is no difference. Leah points out.
Mike says, Scientologist are taught, you KNOW everything. If you read something L. Ron Hubbard says, you’re an expert on the subject.
Read what L. Ron had to say about something and it gives you certainty, complete knowledge and you do not have to know anything else.
That is how children are raised in Scientology, Mike says.
Depression and the church of Scientology

Scientology does not believe in depression. They do not even use the word, depression. Leah explains that if you were to say you were depressed as a Scientologist, you would be thoroughly punished immediately. You would be pulled off your spiritual path and dealt with. It is not a condition that the church acknowledges. And they want you to stop using that word.
You will be shamed for saying it and for feeling it. How incredibly tragic is that?
So children in the church learn early on to shove down and lie about their condition and feelings because you will be punished for this.
Mike says depression is said to be a psychiatric trick. One in which psychiatrists label them in order to sell drugs for big pharma.
He continues, it is not viewed as a validate condition. It is viewed as “fake news” and just a way for psychiatrists to control them and ultimately destroy them.
Scientology is not FAITH BASED

Scientology is not faith based. It is laid out exactly how you are supposed to read certain things, listen to tapes and you must prepay. It is a business Leah reminds us.
It is nothing like any other religion ever.
And Leah says, there is no other religion that has a department dedicated to destroying people when they speak out against it
She also says something beyond scary. She says mostly everything you read or listen to, most of the teachings tell you that the psychiatrists are to blame for the Holocaust, for a crime, for wars and all of man’s ills.
Leah asks Mike why this is.
And here is why we love Mike, he also has the exact answer with all the facts.
Mike says because in 1950, when L. Ron Hubbard wrote Dianetics, he sought the approval of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association.
Leah jumps in to add, that in Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard claims he can cure Cancer, blindness, deafness, anything.Dianetics says you can solve anything.
Mike continues and says neither association would back him. And for that, they became the enemy of L. Ron and Scientology. Every cult needs an enemy.
Children are learning this. They have to read Dianetics and they learn to believe Depression doesn’t exist, I won’t get Cancer, etc. Many won’t seek Medical attention.
Children learn to hide what they are really feeling and dealing with. Sometimes pretty serious situations in their lives.
The Scientology thoughts on Autism is truly disgusting. Listen for yourself.
Mike and Leah say their hearts go out to Lisa and her family. They want the public to know this is not just a topic in the media for them. They knew this family and their hearts break for them. These were friends, people who they knew well.
I suggest listening to the full podcast yourself wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
I may come back and add more after my next listen.
To go even deeper into this subject, check out Mike Render’s blog – Scientology Deaths and Suicides

I love a good podcast for long days in the sun. And this came at just the right time. I have read 5 books in the last two weeks. My eyes need a rest!
While searching for a good podcast, I stumbled upon this. I am very picky about my podcasts. I like True Crime and I like it sounding professional, very well researched and quality guests.
This podcast checked all the boxes.
In fact, I listened to the first episode TWICE so far.
If you watched Leah Remini and Mike Render’s show on A & E, Scientology and the aftermath, you are ahead of the game.
If you haven’t seen it, it is a MUST as I have said in the past.
Listening to the podcast alone is not enough. So if you have not seen the show or you’re diving deep here like myself, the show is streaming on Hulu. This Podcast digs a bit deeper. It’s like the companion book. You need both!
What is Fair Game?
A term used to describe the taking care of “Threats and enemies” of Scientology.
Mike Render explains, what it really is, is a series of writings/directives of L. Ron Hubbard on how you go about destroying someone who is an enemy of Scientology. The enemy would be anyone who speaks out about Scientology in a way which is not authorized or seeks to expose the organization.
Leah asks Mike if family members who do a welfare check on their loved ones in the church are “Fair Game”.
Mike’s answer, Absolutely!
Mike Render was the head of the department which implemented these activities so he shares his knowledge from his own experience as a former church member.
Leah goes on to talk about how Scientology claims that the practice of Fair Game has been cancelled. She says they have even given the media a copy of that. Mike says the cancellation is a statement made by L. Ron Hubbard that says, “We are no longer going to use the term Fair Game because it creates bad public relations. However, we do not change how we deal with the enemies of Scientology.”
Leah points out the media never understood or cared to elaborate on the full statement which says they just aren’t going to use that term but they will continue to practice it. Typical of the media!
Leah says L. Ron Hubbard felt anyone who spoke out against Scientology was evil and trying to destroy mankind. And anyone who goes against the church is a criminal.
She explains that when L. Ron writes something, it has to be understood exactly how it was written.
A lot of what Mike Render talks about is only known by sea org members not all church members.
All church members are expected to know all the policies and writings of L. Ron Hubbard and his church. So as Scientologists they have to make that TRUE. Meaning that anyone who speaks out against the church, Scientologists must make them an enemy of the church. And that’s ALL Scientologists even the celebrity Scientologists.
Leah and Mike are doing this podcast to give a voice to those who didn’t have one. And before their weekly show on A & E and now podcast, we really only heard whispers or rumors about alleged abuse by the church. No one had the B@lls Leah has to stand up against the church because of the practices of Fair Game. People were scared and intimidated and just so happy to be free, they lived in silence.
Mike also makes it very clear that this could happen to anyone. It did not just happen to weirdos. And watching the show, you see these victims are average people. Nice, decent, SANE, hard working Americans.
Leah brings up the subject of their show on A & E (Not my favorite network after cancelling LIVE PD) and how Scientology claims to have had the show cancelled.
She challenges the church by saying, if they are admitting to their Fair Game tactic, keep it coming because if you are claiming responsibility, the law suits will be huge for claiming responsibility for getting Mike and I fired.
Leah and Mike are constantly working to help victims. They meet with the FBI, local police, and families.
They are educating law enforcement on how the church will try to evade criminal charges.
Their dedication is limitless. Despite the fact that they are victims of the Fair Game practices along with any victims who have spoken out.
Leah and Mike will also discuss the 3 counts of rape charges against actor and church member Danny Masterson in upcoming podcasts. Leah says they had already done interviews with the alleged victims four years ago. They did a finale with a victim who was not a Scientologist.
With the case coming up in LA court in September, Mike says the person who did the interviews on Masterson and some of the victims will be shipped off to another country, “reassigned” to jurisdictions outside of the LA district attorney’s office.
Some may even already be on the Free winds ship in the middle of the ocean to avoid speaking with law enforcement and will be on that ship for at least the next 5 years. Now all witnesses can’t disappear and the church is too smart for this. So now anyone else who may be a witness will be drilled with an attorney to say positive things. You really have to hear Mike explain this and you have to hear it in detail. It’s really manipulative.
 “The Folders”
Mike explains when something like the above allegation comes up, everyone who knows anything is gathered together and everyone else is told to shut up.
The church is then able to control the information from getting out to law enforcement or even media.
The victims are then interrogated. He explains the concept of Scientology is whatever happens to you is a result of your own misdeeds.
Leah goes on to give examples of how that interrogation would go down. It’s shameful. And how it would be turned around that it was the victim’s fault for something that went on in this lifetime or another lifetime.
So in other words, you were raped and it is your own fault.
WOW! And this is a “church”.
With the #metoo movement all a rage in Hollyweirdland, this is acceptable.
Mike explains that the victim is the first to be “dealt with” and once you get the victim to understand that they are responsible, they caused this to happen, they will not go running to law enforcement.
Typical abusive behavior!
The victim is now contained. We learn there is a current civil suit against Scientologist about “fair Gaming” victims.
Lisa McPherson
Leah asks Mike to talk about Lisa McPherson who was a young Scientologist in Clearwater, Fl who died in 1995.
The people who knew what happened and how she died were rounded up and evidence destroyed. L. Ron’s policy was everything had to be in written.
So there was a folder on Lisa which was shredded.
The witnesses in contact with Lisa were maids at the hotel of Scientology in Florida.
They were not nurses or even trained as maids.
They were from third world countries brought over to clean rooms and ended up with the job of watching over this dying young woman.
Once Lisa died, these women were gathering up and sent home to avoid them testifying on what happened.
Church of Scientology’s THREE PPP Loans

As if you are not already outraged, we learn that the church has taken out THREE PPP loans during the pandemic. Mike says whenever anyone tries to make the church take responsibility for their employees, the church says they are volunteers not employees. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.
Leah is totally outraged by this. She says while small businesses are going out of business and people can’t eat, the church a 3 billion dollar for profit cult had the balls to take out THREE PPP loans during a pandemic.
Mike says the church told the IRS the church is not a business. These loans come from the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION to assist SMALL businesses.
Mike isn’t surprised, he says it’s just Scientology up to it’s old tricks.
Leah says this church doesn’t help the needy, feed the homeless yet they don’t pay taxes.
They claim they don’t have employees. Things that make you go, hmmm….
Upcoming on The Podcast
This podcast will allow Leah and Mike to talk in depth about things they weren’t able to talk about on The Aftermath.
FBI raid in 1977
IRs vs. Scientology
Rape Charges against Danny Masterson
Kristy Alley
Aftermath guests with NEW stuff!
Benjamin Keough’s suicide
You have to listen for yourself. I have only given you a few bites. The podcast itself is much more detailed. So Subscribe today wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
Priscilla Presley took to Facebook yesterday to address the death of her only grandson, Ben Keough.
Priscilla has once again proven herself to be a true Matriarch of the Presley family.
Lisa Marie Presley’s mother expressed her sorrow, worry and hurt for her children and grandchildren.
“I think of my daughter and the pain she is going through as she was a doting mother. Ben’s father, Danny, who is completely lost, as Ben was his only son. Riley, so loving and so close to him; Harper and Finley, who absolutely adored Ben. Navarone, who struggles deeply with loss and death. Rest In Peace Ben, you were loved.”

Never once mentioning herself. That’s the mother and grandmother in her! Selfless and strong!
A True Matriarch of the Presley Family!
Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers!

Lisa Marie Presley and Diana Pinto, Wednesday, June 15, 2020

Page Six reports that just three days after her son, Benjamin Keough, died by suicide, Lisa Marie Presley was seen leaving a Beverly Hills hotel with Keough’s girlfriend, Diana Pinto.

Both women are wearing face masks and sweatshirts while holding hands on Wednesday. revealed Monday that neighbors heard a woman screaming ‘don’t do it’ at around 3.30am Sunday. It’s believed that scream came from Diana.

Neighbors said people were partying at the home at 1am and heard screams around 3.30am. They noted police showed up to the home hours later around 6am.

Diana was interviewed by police, with a neighbor explaining: ‘She was pretty hysterical saying ”I can’t believe it.” She just kept swearing and saying, ”I can’t believe it… I can’t believe he would do that to himself.”

‘She said, ”the family’s going to hate me” and ”they’re going to blame me.” I think she was feeling guilty for it happening.’

Danny Keough, Ben’s father
Benjamin had been dating Diana Pinto for at least a year.
No funeral arrangements have been announced as of yet.